Sunday, May 31, 2009

the dawn i left:

kissing my eyes,
rooling your lips down to touch mine;
handling so carefully;
when u wave ur hands along my arms;
trembling to be so close;
happy to be near me after so long;
i can feel how much u love me;
how much u care;

holdin my hand when strolling along dark street;
so tight as if never want to let go;
stopping in middle;
to show places u loved to be when missing me;
with eyes full of water;
i can feel how much u love me;
how much u care;

night growing with brigtht silvery moon;
stars witnessing your love;
stilling walking we wish that it should never end;
talking about all moments we spent together;
moments we fought;
moments we cried;
with thought of separation in mind;
but ignoring them;
u so close to me;
i can feel how much u love me;
how much u care ;

but now the night has ended;
the dawn arrived;
i have to leave;
but cant step ahead;
leaving ur hand;
with lips still num;
leaving behind so many things unsaid;
so many feeling unfelt;
hating to say goodbye;
hating see that tear rooling down your cheek;
i can feel how much i love you;
how much i care;
how much i so not wanna leave u;
how much am gonna miss....................


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