Thursday, October 1, 2009

I Close my eyes.....

i close my eyes,

to feel u around me,

to recall the sunny afternoons dat went in ur arms,

and silvery nights lieng besides u listening ur heart,

promising with the every heartbeat,

to be with u for every second of our meet;

promising the sky who witnessed our souls loving each other,

to never leave ur hand even when shadow of dark pondered our love;

but now , i close my eyes, i beg in tears;

to make me stand in front of my love for once,

to appologise for proving our faith false,

the love we made, a lie;

to leave him alone and taking sumone else gaurd,

breaking the promise of going old in his arms;

am closing my eyes to never open,

i say-

dat dis virus has eaten me from widin,

u would have never left me till end if told,

dats y i killed my love to save u,

and now asking not for love,

but forgiveness wrapping flowers for my death bed.....

i close my eyes ,

promising to love u even after my end.......

template by flower brushes by